Just Do It Over and Over

188. Just Do It Over and Over

I now get it. I now have figured it out. I now have it down.

You just lose the same pounds over and over and over again. And it’s all right, as long as you don’t go to any extremes. Two weeks ago I hit what I felt was a high, got out the old Weight Watcher point books and decided I would start yet again and I did. And day by day I went back down, not all the way mind you, but a six or seven pound amount.

And then I had a party (a wise woman party no less) and ignored the points, enjoyed the party, had leftovers so took another day or two of laxness, and weighed. Ooops—three of the six or seven pounds are back and I need to lose them again.

Remember Erma Bombeck who once said something like—I have lost so many pounds over years and years of dieting that by all accounts I should be hanging from someone’s charm bracelet. I know what she means.

But this time it’s o.k. The deal is that I’m still within seven pounds of where I think it’s healthiest for me to be. AND I know I can lose it AGAIN. So I’ll combine a bit of balance, the fun of eating in the holidays, and the willingness to lose it over and over.

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