Cemetery Wandering

345. Cemetery Wandering

I wandered our local cemetery today to stand beside a few of the many graves that were marked with flags. I am anti-war, and pro-veteran. Just the other day I saw on the internet a short documentary about veterans, and health care, and what our country does or doesn’t do in terms of veterans. Part of the time I am ashamed at what goes on.

I was also reading that many veterans would like the observance of Memorial Day to return to May 30th, regardless of what day of the week it falls on. Because then it is really about Memorial Day, and it isn’t about a three-day weekend, and a convenience to people.

I honor those who serve now, those who served in the past, those who died. I also honor those who died in whatever country we were fighting. I honor the children, the women, the old ones, the innocents. I also honor those service people from that country. All of these people have had their lives trampled, no matter what country they are from.

Somehow, sometime we need to learn the art of peace.

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