Poet, Author, Composer....
255. God Mind – Human Mind I led our church’s Bible Study today and came upon the verse that is helpful to me in explaining God mind – human mind. I have said for a long time that I think there are things that…
254. Exercise in the Bible A year or so ago I was writing an article for a religious magazine for older people. The subject of the article was exercise and keeping moving. I included in it some of my experiences with Egoscue and my…
253. Step Close…..But This song that I wrote is true of me. I’m sure it’s true of others too. Sometimes I call it the step close syndrome. I want closeness—oops I don’t want it—but yes, I do—but actually no. Here’s the song: — Step…
252. Women in the Church This is the other Bishop Kelly story that I want to tell. Yesterday’s story was about politics and the church. Today the story is about women in the church. Once again, she was walking to the church in Virginia…
251. Politics and Church Some years ago while attending the conference “Women and the Word” at Boston School of Theology, I was privileged to hear Leontyne Kelly preach. She was the first African American woman to become bishop and she held me captive whenever…
250. And Your Point Is? When my grandson Zack was about 12, I was explaining something to him and I’ll have to admit that I was going on and on about it. He listened and paid attention, and when I finally came to an…
249. LOVE in Stained Glass I have a wonderful stained glass “Love” piece hanging in my bedroom window. It was Mother’s and it says “LOVE” in vibrant letters. It’s based on the steel sculpture by Robert Indiana and found at the Indianapolis Museum of…
248. Love Tucked Around In the 80’s I was looking for a house for my mother, my youngest daughter Dara, and myself and found one on North Broadway in Nyack, NY. It was known all around Nyack as the Waldron house for they had…
247. Forgiveness (A story in Seven Verses of Seven Lines) — I hear God’s words “I have forgiven you” I feel the wonder and I question: All? all my mistakes? things I did? things I should have done? — I question again: All? I…
246. Imagination – Part 2 Here’s another way (in addition to day before yesterday) that I use my imagination and it often backfires on me. My daughter called me on it once and I’ve been more aware since then. It’s usually a situation where…
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