Poet, Author, Composer....
190. Helping Jesus Sixteen years ago my granddaughter Lissa was two. She knew well the Christmas story. I was babysitting with her and her five-year-old brother Daniel. Daniel was playing in his room. I was reading a book. Lissa was lying on the little…
189. The Christmas Card Wonder They still come rolling in to my mailbox (a few electronically) but most by the U.S. Post Office. And I love it. They come in colorful cards, or cards with pictures, and they come with letters detailing what happened…
188. Just Do It Over and Over I now get it. I now have figured it out. I now have it down. You just lose the same pounds over and over and over again. And it’s all right, as long as you don’t go…
187. Jin Shin Jyutsu Six or seven months ago I was introduced to Jin Shin Jyutsu. This is an ancient art which existed before the birth of Buddha or Moses. It was rediscovered in Japan in the 20th century by Master Jiro Shin Jyutsu…
186. Longest Night of All the Year It is the Winter Solstice and this is the day for the hymn that ends with light. This can be sung to the tune of “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.” — Longest Night of All the Year…
185. The Longest Night—Almost We are on the very brink of the Winter Solstice, and I have a hymn and a poem. These are the dark times, the long nights, and in the very midst of the holiday season people who are dealing with…
184. Be Strong! In these days of long nights and short days, of tragedy alive, and controversy raging—I find myself thinking of this old hymn entitled “Be Strong!” It was in the 1905 Methodist Hymnal. It was written by Maltbie Davenport Babcock, born in…
183. Christmas Sestina — he is here again — baby Jesus Bethlehem roads full of crowds shepherds seeing light in skies beckoning wisdom and gifts and Mary’s eyes hold mystery as her life turns a challenging way — fog shrouds the way of what…
182. Legend or True? How about the candy canes? Have you heard the story? It is told that in 1642 when Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans came into power, they curtailed the celebrations of Christmas. Sort of thought they were too commercialized. But there’s…
181. Ring Christmas Bells The third Sunday of Advent often has a theme of Joy and to acknowledge that I hang bells on every door knob so that as I and others go in and out of the doors, the bells ring and remind…
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