Poet, Author, Composer....
I believe that today’s quote requires some thinking back through history and what leads to what and why. Here’s the quote: People try nonviolence for a week, and when it doesn’t work, they go back to violence, which hasn’t worked for centuries.—Theodore Rosak
Here’s a quote from Joan Chittister: Life happens quickly but the meaning of it only comes slowly, slowly, slowly.
Here’s a quote from Madeline L’Engle: The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.
If you know of a lion and you’re willing to join with me in being a spider, there is hope. Here’s the quote for today which is an Ethiopian Proverb: When spiders are united, they can tie up a lion.
In the book “An Ordinary Man,” Paul Rusesabaginam writes: “Wherever the killing season should next begin and people should become strangers to their neighbors and themselves, my hope is that there will still be those ordijary men who say a quiet no and open…
I think we need to do this whenever we can. The quote is: “Singing in the midst of evil is what it means to be disciples.” And that is by Nadia Bolz-Weber.
Were you ever about to go on a trip and someone says to you “Traveling mercies”? I always wondered what that meant. Well the quote today comes from Anne Lamott who writes: Traveling mercies: love the journey, God is with you, come home safe…
I’ve decided to periodically just share a quotation that I like. The one for today is: Live your life as you see fit. That’s not selfish. Selfish is to demand that others live their lives as you see fit. ——Anthony DeMello
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