Poet, Author, Composer....
253. Step Close…..But
This song that I wrote is true of me. I’m sure it’s true of others too. Sometimes I call it the step close syndrome. I want closeness—oops I don’t want it—but yes, I do—but actually no. Here’s the song:
Step close, I want you,
Step close, I want you near,
Step close, I want you,
I want you here.
Oh no, I’m feeling surrounded,
Step back, I can’t breathe,
Step back, I made a mistake
And I want you to leave.
Hold me–I need you,
Hold me in your arms so tight,
Hold me–I need you,
And it feels so right.
Let go, I’m going to be smothered,
Let go, I’ve got to be free,
Let go, I’m being absorbed
And I cannot be me.
Just when I think I know what I’m wanting,
Just when I think I’m starting to care,
Just when I think I’ve finally found
A person with whom I can share—
Then it starts—I split down the middle,
Then it starts—I push you away,
Then my being starts acting double,
Come here. No, don’t stay.
Yes, No. I can’t believe myself and what I say,
Yes, No, Yes, No—Be here, go away.
Don’t touch, I have to have space but
Do touch, I want you so.
It doesn’t make any sense,
Yes, No, Come, Go, Yes. No.
© Copyright 1983 by Ann Freeman Price
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