Poet, Author, Composer....
I Git Tired I wrote this when I had four children at home and a traveling husband and I did get tired of trying to do everything—the dishes, mopping the floor, taking the garbage out, cleaning the toilets. So I divided the jobs up…
The Army Is Having a Bake Sale The Fellowship of Reconciliation, headquartered in Nyack, NY once put out a postcard that said the titled of this song! The situation hasn’t changed in that our defense budget continues to grow and grow and grow—with few…
Survivors The interesting thing about this song is that it started out being about women——and it still can be about women and their struggle in this country and all over the world to survive. All of the words apply to women—rough times, strong barriers,…
Tendering The first song in the CD Woman Songs Peace Songs is “Tendering” and I still identify with the very personal focus that spurred the original writing. Now there seems a whole new level on top of that personal one. It’s the level that…
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