SONG: I Git Tired

I Git Tired

I wrote this when I had four children at home and a traveling husband and I did get tired of trying to do everything—the dishes, mopping the floor, taking the garbage out, cleaning the toilets.

So I divided the jobs up and everyone did their part (most of the time—and to various levels of competency).

Now I live in an apartment where the same thing is true. It’s part of the repetitiveness of life—you do (hopefully) brush your teeth at least twice a day—you do cook meals—you do the shopping and sometimes I still grouse about it. And these days I need instead of making a list for others to help (although I occasionally do that too) but I also try to balance for myself the things I repeatedly do over and over and some of these things are very much on the plus side.

I meditate (most days); I do yoga and Egoscue every day; I read many books simultaneously and relish that time and those things I don’t get tired of doing daily.

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